Complex Project Management

Our project managers have long experience from complex projects, and are certified Project Management Professional (PMP). We practice the latest research for navigating complexity in projects, and we can help you to develop knowledge regarding complex project management in your business.
Our project complexity tool can help your business to categorise the projects, there are several categories, and the purpose is to avoid project failure. We use our experiences and the latest research to develop our services. Please contact us for more information and further discussion about analysing the complexity in your projects.
Inspirational Lectures
Project Management is nowadays a key competency in most companies and organisations, and project oriented work affects the entire business. An inspirational lecture is a good start to learn how new project knowledge can be implemented in your business. We can introduce and present the latest trends and news in the project management area. Contact us for more information, and we send you an offer.
Project-based Learning
We have long experience from making the project as the carrier of new knowledge for the project team. The learning outcomes in the context of project-based learning deepen the learning, by applying the knowledge in new situations and various learning activities. The project management model is based on shared understanding, which has the capability to answer questions occurring on the fly, rather than writing down answers to initially stated issues. The aim is to define a model based upon developing and making available shared understanding. A conscious design of the project model will facilitate learning.